Business continuity management - well prepared in case of disruptive events

Mar 12, 2020 Audit

Rapid response thanks to operational crisis management

The current spread of the corona virus proves the essential need for effective business continuity management (BCM) to ensure business as usual during times of disruptive incidents. Our experts stand ready to assist you in ISO 22301 certification for efficient BCM systems and emergency response procedures.

Your advantages of an effective BCM:

  • Rapid response capability in case of disruptive incidents
  • Continuation of operations
  • Minimization of possible losses
  • Strengthening the trust of customers and business partners
Whether it is a cyber attack, a natural disaster or, as in the current case, a rapidly spreading virus, resulting damage must be kept as low as possible.
In the event of an emergency, companies must re-examine preventive strategies and control measures and activate their business continuity plans. If, for example, the new corona virus spreads among the workforce, rapid action must be taken. The case of the Bavarian automotive supplier Webasto shows how important a functioning BCM is: Company headquarters was immediately closed for a certain period of time, business trips to endangered areas were cancelled, and home office solutions were used. In addition, the company was in constant contact with the public health department. Due to this quick reaction, a spread of the virus among employees was stopped and business continued in the best possible way.
Business continuity management according to ISO 22301 offers companies the flexibility necessary to handle all business processes as well as the entire supply chain and to determine suitable alternative strategies in the event of a disruptive incident.
ISO 22301 mandates BCM focus on the business context and the activities critical to production. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is another key factor used to evaluate processes and resources with the highest priority. The most important thing here is the analysis of time constraints to determine how often processes can fail or how long resources can be unavailable before causing major interruptions. This can ensure that your business does not come to a standstill.

We are there for you in case of emergency

Our experienced experts support you with comprehensive practical knowledge in the introduction and certification of your business continuity management according to ISO 22301. With us at your side, you can be sure that you are prepared to perform despite an emergency event.