Job Placement

Your future career starts here

In recent years, the labor market has changed into an applicant market. Many companies find it difficult to find the right people and skilled workers are especially in demand. Nonetheless, it is still worthwhile for job seekers to work together with DEKRA Arbeit Group. With years of industry and labor market experience, we provide you with not only with valuable contacts to leading international companies, but we also know the career opportunities that are not listed right away on general job boards. In particular, vacant positions in small and regionally established family businesses are often only forwarded internally or to long-standing personal contacts, such as to our local staff consultants.
In addition, young professionals or those re-entering the labor market find it difficult to gain a foothold again in the job market. The last interview was years ago or the first CV is not very popular among HR managers. Whatever questions arise in connection with your job search, just call your local DEKRA Arbeit office and make an appointment for a no-obligation consultation. We work with you to find the next step up the career ladder. For sure!
DEKRA Arbeit GmbH

Handwerkstrasse 15

Stuttgart 70565