Ambient Measurement Services to Ensure Workplace Safety
Accurate Monitoring of Indoor Air Pollution, Chemical Exposure, Temperature, Lighting, Radiation, Noise and Vibration
DEKRA offers a wide range of services around a safe workplace. Our measurement of indoor air pollution, temperature, lighting, radiation, noise and vibration in the workplace helps our customers to efficiently manage any risks for workers and those related to the workplace environment. Our services help customers to remediate occupational health and safety (OHS) issues, to mitigate impacts on brand and to ensure workers safety.
About Ambient Measurement Services to Ensure Workplace Safety
DEKRA provides accurate, detailed and independent ambient measurement services to ensure a compliance state of premises and equipment, helping you to efficiently manage any risks for workers and those related to the workplace environment.
Our experts collect samples at the workplace, or obtain in situ measurements, such as indoor air pollution, chemical exposure, temperature, lighting, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, noise and vibration in order to evaluate:
- Their quality related to regulatory thresholds
- The level of impacts for workers and users
- The efficiency of equipment and processes regarding health and safety performance
We offer you a clear and independent overview of all potential OHS impacts and help you to comply with all mandatory periodical inspections, providing OHS measurements in the fields of:
- Industrial hygiene
- Chemical risk
- Noise and vibrations
- Ionizing and non-ionizing radiations