FAQs about the DEKRA Award

The award process at a glance
1. Send us your application in your selected category by September, 19th 2022.
2. Complete your application in the online form. (To do so, follow the steps in the form.) Or download the application form as a PDF file and send it to us by e-mail at award@​dekra​.com
3. The seven-member jury will select and name the winners in each category end in the beginning of October 2022.
4. The category winners will be informed before the ceremony. We would like to film a short trailer about your company and your project. If you agree to this, please provide for a day of filming at your company before the award ceremony.
5. Startups shortlisted by the jury will be allowed to pitch, and the winner will be determined by voting on dekra.de/award and social media.
6. In October, all nominated candidates will be published on the website.
7. On November 10, 2022, all winners will be announced.
Who can take part in the DEKRA Award?
Is the DEKRA Award presented on the basis of company size?
Is the DEKRA Award always presented in the same categories?
Can candidates compete in more than one category in the same year?
Can candidates make more than one submission in a single category?
Can candidates compete in more than one year?
How many candidates are presented with the award?
Does it cost anything to participate in the DEKRA Award?
How is the application for the DEKRA Award documented?
On what basis does the jury decide on the applications?
Is it possible to register an application and submit the application documents after registration has closed?
When does the application phase start for the DEKRA Award 2022?
Is there a deadline extension?
Is there a minimum number of applications in the DEKRA Award categories?
How are the DEKRA Award jury members appointed?
What rules are in place concerning potential bias among jury members?
Are the DEKRA Award jury's evaluations made public?
Are the applications made available to the public?
How are people informed if they have been nominated?
When is the DEKRA Award presented?
Is prize money awarded for the DEKRA Award winners?
How are participation and the prospect of winning a DEKRA Award communicated?
For how long can the DEKRA Award signet be used in communication?
Can an application for the DEKRA Award be rejected?
Can a DEKRA Award be rescinded?