Traction Equipment

So that Seatbelts Can Work

Whether in cars, commercial vehicles, ambulances, or buses – seatbelts can saves people’s lives. To protect occupants during an accident, belts, their mountings, and seats must be tested for stability. At the DEKRA Technology Center, we use a hydraulic cylinder traction system with a gas pressure energy storage unit. The experts on site test pursuant to current legal specifications or according to the manufacturers’ specifications sheet requirements.

Furthermore, strength tests are carried out on ISOFIX mounting points, on lashing points for cargo securing, and on seats and benches. Forces and displacements are measured.

The tests can be recorded with high-speed cameras, while video analyses are also possible. Pursuant to legal or manufacturer specifications, an exact assessment of the recorded data related to material and component behavior then takes place.

We are pleased that you are interested in our services for passive vehicle safety. We will be happy to put together an individual offer for you. Because safety is of importance to both of us.