California Proposition 65 (CP65)

Comply with California’s consumer protection law

California Proposition 65 requires companies operating in California to have a thorough knowledge of their products’ ingredients and adhere to the proposition’s requirements. Harmful substances must be accompanied by explicit warnings to consumers.

The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, published in California Health & Safety Code Section 25249.6, is often referred to simply as California Proposition 65, or CP65 for short. Its key message is: "No person shall knowingly and intentionally expose an individual, in the course of their business, to a chemical known to the State [of California] to be carcinogenic or toxic to reproduction without first providing that individual with a clear and proportionate warning.“
Some 900 chemicals are affected by the regulation, and for some of them there are limit values below which no consumer warning is required. More stringent requirements have been in force since August 30, 2018, including the stipulation that warnings must specifically name at least one substance.
Thanks to many years of experience, we are the right partner for you. We can help ensure your products comply with California Proposition 65, offering you comprehensive service from a single source: from the analysis of ingredients to advice on the latest changes to the directive.

Your Benefits

  • Efficiently identify relevant CP65 requirements
  • Receive a flexible consultation for requirement implementation
  • Avoid unnecessary laboratory tests
  • Ensure your products conform with the directive

Our Approach

German manufacturers and others who export their consumer products to California are affected by California Proposition 65. If a substance on the list is contained in their products (or if this cannot be safely excluded) and consumer exposure is possible, companies must display a precisely worded warning on the packaging. The challenge is, that complex supply and production chains often make it difficult for manufacturers to safely exclude the presence of a long list of substances in the product.
We offer companies a pragmatic and efficient approach to risk assessment and minimization regarding California Prop 65. The intelligent combination of supplier confirmations, product- and material-related risk assessments and laboratory analysis makes determining whether a warning must be affixed to a given product less burdensome. Such an approach effectively minimizes the risk of legal proceedings and fines.


  • We have a database cataloging the occurrence of CP65 substances.
  • We offer a range of services from one source, from consulting to laboratory testing.
  • We help you meet requirements pragmatically and efficiently.