DEKRA at the A+A trade fair in Düsseldorf

Concepts for Improved Safety at Work

Oct 17, 2023 Safety at work / Sustainability / Industrial

DEKRA studies show that many companies are lacking when it comes to putting occupational health and safety into practice. At the world-leading A+A trade fair taking place from October 24 to 27, 2023, in Düsseldorf, Germany, DEKRA will be presenting concepts and solutions to ensure that safety at work is enshrined permanently and implemented effectively within organizations.

  • Leadership fosters safety culture
  • Digital tools create transparency
  • Full training portfolio
Workplace health and safety regulations are often not implemented systematically, a problem that will be familiar to many occupational safety managers. Responding to a forsa survey conducted for the DEKRA Occupational Safety Report 2023, just half of the staff questioned said that all employees and managers always complied with the safety rules applicable at their workplace. An overwhelming majority of the respondents (96 percent) stated that they were aware of all or some of these rules.
“Health and safety practice shows that safety at work is often viewed as a necessary evil rather than as an opportunity,” says Jörg Lobe, Head of Safety and Occupational Health at DEKRA. “In these cases, managers must work to change the perception of safety at work within their organizations and serve as role models. It is crucial that they actively involve their employees, ensure their participation, deploy innovative tools, and document all measures.”
Supporting routines and tools
Two proven instruments are regular safety inspections and established safety routines that are actively supported by management. Also helpful are digital tools such as DEKRA Safety Web and DEKRA Safety Score, which give responsible employers and their workforce information about the status of occupational health and safety, provide support for training, and document all measures being taken.
Full portfolio of OHS services at A+A
At the A+A trade fair, DEKRA will be presenting its full portfolio of services for health and safety at work, which includes prevention, occupational health management and health care, and occupational safety and risk assessments.
DEKRA also offers a training portfolio covering the full range of subject matter related to occupational safety, fire protection, electrical equipment, ladders and steps, and hazardous substances. Training courses can be held either online or in-person, and are aimed at both employers and professionals seeking further qualification, such as occupational safety specialists or safety officers.
Operational safety service package
In addition, DEKRA offers all complementary operational safety and technical occupational safety services. These include equipment inspections, building inspections in accordance with German state-level legislation, legally sound expert reports such as workplace accident analyses, support and advice on the introduction of new technologies like hydrogen, hazardous substance legislation, and environmental protection.
DEKRA at A+A 2023
October 24–27
Hall 5, Booth A22
DEKRA presentations at A+A
Two DEKRA experts will be contributing to the extensive and highly topical program of presentations at A+A:
  • “Predicting safety and fostering safe behaviors through digitization,” presented by Sebastian Bartels, ORP Vision Zero Day, October 25, 2nd floor, Room 28, 4:45 p.m.
  • “Mikado: One new hazardous substance, many consequences in the company,” presented by Stefan Metzler, October 26, Hall 9, C65 Trend Forum, 2:20 p.m.